
A Note from your Publisher

Happy International Women's Day!

By Heather Raulston, Editor & Publisher of Macaroni Kid Columbus March 9, 2021

Have you ever decided to clean a junk room and realized that the more organizational tools you bring into the room the more chaotic it seems?  That is the was life seems to me right now.  The more things we do to try and overcome the chaos the more hectic things get.  I don't know about you, but I am determined to overcome and push through though!  

I'm really looking forward to sharing all the activities on my calendar as things begin to warm up and more places are opening.  If you hear of anything fun being planned be sure to send them my way!  Events can easily be submitted on my website.  I also have opportunities for locally owned businesses to advertise and get their name out.  

Happy International Women's Day!
