
Happy New Year!

Ranger burgers and a note from your publisher.

By Heather Raulston, Editor & Publisher Macaroni Kid Columbus January 2, 2020

Praise God 2019 is done and over!  Out with the old and in with the new!  I don't know about y'all but I'd be willing to wager that you've had the same feelings.  2019 has been a long, hard uphill climb and I am so ready to see what the new year brings!

First thing on my list?  The Grand Opening of Ranger Burger on Jan 6th!!  This restaurant has been a long-standing icon for our military and the Chattahoochee Valley as a whole.  It was one of the first places put on my bucket list when I started visiting the Columbus area and it was heartbreaking to find out it had closed.  Since that time it has had a few attempts to reopen, but this time just feels different.  I will be meeting with the new owners tomorrow and will have a full article featuring some of what they have to offer.  In the meantime you have got to plan to come try out a Ranger Burger for yourself!  Check out their website for more information.

So many things rolling around in my head and tons of plans to make so be sure to stay tuned for bigger and better this year!

Love and hugs,
