
A Note from Your Publisher

Halloween Edition

By Heather Raulston, Editor & Publisher Macaroni Kid Columbus October 26, 2019

So much to do this week!!

From fall festivals to block parties to good ole trick or treating this week is sure to get the kids a ton of fun and probably some great candy too!

This past week has been super crazy for us.  I was able to manage to check out the "Dirt Cheap" store on Milgen and actually bought the kids' costumes this year.  They are pretty stoked, but I really miss the creativity and pride of putting my own together as a kid.  It'll be really hard to beat my Carmen Sandiego prego costume, complete with cardboard and felt hat, from last year though! 😂

I would love to see your costumes this year so be sure to check out the Facebook post and comment with your best pics!

This note is short and sweet, especially with the final part of our bed bug saga debuting next week.  Be sure to have a safe and fun week!